

I have been way more open about my anxiety and other issues, with everyone in my life. Not like I go out and shout it with a megaphone, but when it’s an occurring issue and people ask, I no longer hide it with: “I’m just really tired.” “I don’t know.” “I’m fine.” “I’m just being … Continue reading



It’s been a wild one. Quit my job at a company I thought would stay and eventually retire with. Lost my best friend. (That makes 2, since new years. Yup that’s all folks. No more to take from me. [Okay, not my OG bestie. But she’s been there since 3rd grade and is practically my … Continue reading

Mostly Blah

Mostly Blah

I’ve recently started back up on my medication fro anxiety. I guess it’s helping. I don’t freak out to leave my house anymore or get really confused and disoriented because I’m overwhelmed. What I do get is…bitchy. For the most part I’m just kind of a gray blob. It’s not as if I’m depressed or … Continue reading